
More detailed information about Silk factory located in Cotignac you get when the holiday is confirmed.

On this web – address you will find a map and directions until Cotignac:

Some useful information on the road:

Cotignac is centrally located in the county Var in Provence.
When you land in Nice and eventually retrieved rental car you’ll head towards Antibes – Cannes and Cotignac. Follow the A8 motorway. You follow A 8 until exit 35 Brignoles. You should also through 2 toll booths before you take off to and past the tollbooth at the entrance to Brignoles. This is something different than what we are used to: 1 tollbooth shall pay cash Euro 3.00. At the next tollbooth you shall just take a ticket that emerges when approaching the boom. At the exit to Brignoles be the ticket delivered and now it costs about 8.50 Euro. Drive through the barrier and continue straight ahead until the first roundabout and turn left towards Le Val and Cotignac. The trip from Brignoles to Cotignac takes 15 minutes.